Jul 12, 2006

More on History

My last post seems to hav created a lot of stir among history lovers and a few history baiters..maybe fukuyama will agree to the contention that history doesnt matters..but probably he was not indoctrinated in a madrassa somewhere in afghanistan...

For me the only historical force left as of now apart from post modernist democracy is the Islamist Resurgence (Al Qaida version)where they seem to suggest that they can subserve the world....i still believe that there are many more moderate muslims so the movement itself is not gonna take place...let alone the conflict with western world and India and China.....its not gonna happpen...

a solution against terror( the most non conflicting one i can find) could be Technological replacement of Oil as the energy source....tht i believe funds most of the virulent version of islam indoctrination....once the petro dollars start to shrink...i believe the money for these things will go away..thus leading the halting of the consolidation of these virulent version of islam...

Once the consolidation is done away with..i am very sure the moderate society in the muslim world will overwhelm these forces...

Otherwise...You have to have the American Situation...Identify states like Pak, SUdan etc and then put pressure..military or otherwise..but it doesnt seems to be working..
plus i dont think the americans are very smart..the squeeze should happen in Pakistan and the middle east rather than anywhere else.....

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