Apr 19, 2008

The unbearable longing for emptiness of being

One of the great things about my life is, i really long for these moments of emptiness...when the world sort of stops...you are not supposed to meet any deadlines...you are at peace with yourself...when i can do anything i want.. (which is basically nothing)..I i really go for pop psychoanalysis of myself, its the lazy bugger syndrome..i cant seem to handle stress and so long for escapism....but that will be the cynical approach...the solitude coupled with the belssedness really does makes you feel like nirvan is actually not a bogus concept.


  1. by "nirvan" u mean nirvana or nirman??? the difference of a word can give a totally different meaning to your otherwise mindbloggingly insanity of colloquial brilliance

  2. by nirvan i mean nirvan, the jain concept of the ultimate salvation. But from a person whose knowledge has been limited to ruttofying social studies for school exams, i dont expect much.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "..i cant seem to handle stress .."

    You've upped the ante for what qualifies as Stress ?
